Ideas & Suggestions

12 Topics 173 Posts
  • topic-is-deleted

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  • New name for the router and anyCall

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    36 Posts

    After an initial round of voting to identify the front runners, we had a final Telegram poll for each name. We have clear winners for the new names. Our router will be called C3Router and the new anyCall will be called C3Caller. Well done @tomKyle8905 ! We all liked your 'Continuum Cross Chain === C3' idea. You can DM me with your wallet address to receive your prize.


  • [002 Temp Check] Constitution Proposal

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    The Final Vote for this is in the Governance section

  • 2 Votes
    25 Posts

    @murchadh Thanks for bringing this up. We have two methods of executing governance - Snapshot and Tally. With Snapshot, a Committee member must post the proposal, but with Tally, anyone with sufficient voting power of 1% can do so and the result is automatically executed, so that in theory a malicious actor could submit and pass a proposal, which would drain the Treasury for instance automatically. The time delay gives the Committee an opportunity to stop this, since only proposals that do not 'further the Vision and Mission of ContinuumDAO as laid out in this Constitution' should be allowed to execute. This is a safety mechanism that many other DAOs also use.

    The Constitution also says that 'if the proposal is re-submitted unaltered and if it once again passes, then the Committee may not squash the vote outcome for a second time'. This limits the power of the Committee to ignore the will of the DAO.

  • 1 Votes
    10 Posts

    This looks about right to me @Jerry , but let's set a limit of 2,500 USD for any single job, without the need to vote on it. Once we have issued CTM, we could also include some veCTM for contributors

  • Router Working Mechanism

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    8 Posts

    the threshold is configurable according to different security level, and there exist a reshare scheme to tackle the case where someone offline forever or lost key share.
    we'll provide a detailed dashboard to provide more info about the node so as to ensure distributed.

  • Website edits

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    2 Posts

    Hi, thank you for your feedback!
    The MPC Network webpage is under development. Please stay in the loop:)

  • Theia Proposal

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    16 Posts

    This proposal unanimously passed with more than 77% of all eligible votes cast. Thank you everyone. We now continue to implement Theia as quickly as possible

  • Committee Election 2024

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    These DAO members are elected to the Committee - congratulations : JohnCTM, Apxymous, Jerry, Apex, Chookz, 0xClaire and myself.

  • Fee Structure for C3Router and C3Caller

    2 Votes
    25 Posts

    Thanks Selqui for the good ideas and I agree with most of them. From my own experience bridging tokens, I value speed and ease of use over differences is tens of dollars in USD equivalent value. Paying only once at the source chain is a major and important feature and cannot be compromised. The idea of paying for users for low cost chains is sound. I assume governance will need to come together if these chains start getting expensive down the road.

    @Selqui said in Fee Structure for C3Router and C3Caller:

    Using Ethereum as an example of the destination chain, the frontend would call a function on Ethereum that calculates the gas price and which returns one of LOW, NORMAL, HIGH, VERY HIGH. This would require the user to pay an extra fee of 0, 10, 20, 50 USDT

    I like this idea and can we change this scale of success probability to 3-pt as in "LOW, RECOMMENDED, HIGH" - with RECOMMENDED being the default option. 3-pt scale is much easier for users to navigate.

    @Apxymous said in Fee Structure for C3Router and C3Caller:

    If we could implement a fixed fee and they get CTM or Theia tokens if they overpay a transaction and have it airdrop on BNB chain

    I disagree with this. There are times I am VERY HAPPY to overpay if my bridging has a high certainty of completion. If a user chose to overpay, CTM should pocket the excess fees.

    @Selqui said in Fee Structure for C3Router and C3Caller:

    How to top up the gas in the MPC in a decentralized way? We don't want to have to rely on a 'team' to do this. I suggest that we create a function on each chain that ANYONE can call to add gas to this wallet address.

    I like this idea very much. Is it possible that part of the excess fees collected be used to incentivize top-ups? For example, to top up FTM to the MPC, I could deposit FTM in exchange for USDC tokens the MPC had collected as excess fees at a 10% discount. I wonder if this is too complex to implement.

    Sorry for the slow reply - been busy. Great work Selqui!

  • Treasury Status Proposal

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    14 Posts


    I think in general it is a very wise idea to first target 1 market segment and completely dominate that segment before we move to another segment. If that first segment is RWA because of narrative and momentum, i'd say we go for that.

    This has large advantages in terms of communication, marketing & sales as well. Easier to distinguish our selves ('branding') from others. Targeting everything with a small team and budget usually means nothing is really effective.