New name for the router and anyCall
anyCall=Caller -
Router: myBridge
Anycall: Interchain Messenger -
Router: It3r
Anycall: Vocatio -
Thank you everyone. That was actually an excellent turn out, with some great names. Here is the list I have before we proceed with the poll
Router New Name
User Suggestion Raini NG Teleporter BlockBudddy Blocklink TomKyle8905 C3Router ehammer Fluid Gousty Connector Tuco Axium Hawk ConnX John CTM Conscious Router Selqui Tunnel Interfecto Router PTB ContinuumLink JAVB Settler Insomniac ConduitRouter DeFi Penguin myBridge Apxymous Rout3r Murchadh Stratus hikmetkarg It3r anyCall New Name
User Suggestion Raini NG Sending Stone BlockBudddy Substratum TomKyle8905 C3Caller ehammer Continuity Gousty Crosscaller Tuco Fulcrum Hawk XCall Sander ContinuumCall John CTM Double slit Messenger Selqui Tangle Interfecto Caller PTB CallLink Continuum JAVB Continuum Insomniac ContinuumLink DeFi Penguin Interchain Messenger Apxymous Any3 Murchadh Nebula hikmetkarg Vocatio -
C for Continuum;
C3 means Continuum Cross-Chain Caller, C3 (3 as superscript) is cube. -
In regards to marketing and brand recognition, the company name ContinuumDAO will require an abbreviated name for text and verbal communication. Something catchy, easy to say, type and recognize. Continuum is 4 syllables and a bit of a mouthful to pronounce .
Verbal: A quick abbreviated term ConX which represents the router rolls nicely off the tongue "Con-nects". Say it out loud.
Text: ConX is 4 characters which is great for twitter (X) posts and future papers.
Brand Recognition: ConX font and design same to ContinuumDAO will create cohesion between and easily recognizable
Social media posts: One of the largest successes of Multichain was free advertising. As we learned, the team was not great at communication and providing updates. Mustard pulled up the slack at the tail end of MC. Where multichain won was from other chains advertising integration. $Multi was constantly at the top of twitter activity and pushed by other communities on social platforms. In the background, multi would integrate a new chain ABBA. ABBA official twitter and ABBA community would be excited and make posts. FREE advertising for Multi. 100's, 1000's of posts over the life of Multi. 98% of the tagging created by others.
Info Graphics: Using brand approved wallpaper, font, images... a simple post from official account would look something like this:
ContinuumDAO is pleased to announce a new chain integration @ABBAdancingqueen
Image: Its a simple as it gets.... nice wallpaperConX - ABBA
To sum it up, our DAO is Continuum. Our product is the router, ConX.
After an initial round of voting to identify the front runners, we had a final Telegram poll for each name. We have clear winners for the new names. Our router will be called C3Router and the new anyCall will be called C3Caller. Well done @tomKyle8905 ! We all liked your 'Continuum Cross Chain === C3' idea. You can DM me with your wallet address to receive your prize.
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